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The silver IRA has been around since 1999 and differs from the gold IRA. The bottom line is that the silver IRA fees are much lower than gold IRA fees, which can make the difference between you being able to pay for your retirement.

A couple of years ago, there was a lot of debate about the difference between these options. Still, these days, it’s much easier to see which one will work best for you because many people now have an asset and a regular IRA in their retirement accounts. Gold IRAs require you to keep your gold in the company’s vault, and they charge a fee of 6%, while silver IRAs do not need your gold to stay in their vault, so they do not charge any fees. Whatever you decide to do, make sure to checkout gold investment companies that are trusted and been around for a while.

Differences Between Silver IRAs And Gold IRAs

1. The silver IRA has lower fees than the gold IRA.

It’s not unusual for retirement accounts to charge you fees, but with both of them, you are charged a fee of 6% on whatever amount you hold in that retirement account. If you have $100,000 in your IRA, the first $100,000 will be insured up to $100,000 plus the 6% fee. Anything above the first $100,000 is not protected from loss. You have insurance on all other assets like stocks and bonds in your IRA, but these are not federal devices. The federal government does not guarantee anything outside the gold reserve, like stocks and bonds, so they charge a premium for this protection.

2. There is no requirement to keep your gold in the company’s vault.

With a gold IRA, you must keep your gold in a safe deposit box, which charges you fees. The silver IRA does not require that at all! If you hold $100,000 or more in a silver IRA, it’s protected. If you go under $100,000, it’s not usury protected anymore.

The benefit of the silver IRA is that there are no fees involved with a silver IRA, unlike gold IRAs. You do have to pay taxes on your investment, but most people won’t be getting any income from their investments, so they don’t care about taxes.

3. The silver IRA is taxed at a lower rate.

Suppose you have any assets in a gold IRA that have been taxed at a lower rate than other assets in your retirement account. In that case, you will be penalized for this because the federal government is counting your gold as taxable income. But since there are no fees in the silver IRA, it’s not taxed anymore but is fully protected!

4. The silver IRA is easier to transfer.

The only thing you have to do with a silver IRA has moved your money to the retirement account. You do not have to convert anything. You can roll over whatever you have in your regular IRA, leave it there, and pay the fees. With a gold IRA, you will incur all kinds of prices, so it’s not a good idea to move your money over because it will take too long for you to do that, and you’ll probably lose money.

5. many companies offer gold IRAs.

It’s a little bit harder to find a gold IRA. The main difference between a silver and gold IRA is that you need to buy the actual medal yourself. With the silver IRA, you can go to your local bank branch and ask for any ID. You don’t need certified bullion, so it’s easier for people to do this over the counter. But if you want to buy a silver medal, there are companies online that will sell them for you, show you how to make your replica with metal clay, or get your hands on some 24k gold-plated tools.

6. The same companies offer both types of plans.

The standard way to invest in silver through an IRA is to have your financial institution work with a brokerage company specializing in taking IRA investment orders. You can find one for yourself or ask about it at your bank or local financial institution. They are required to give you some paperwork and provide answers to any questions you may have. Of course, when you shop around, you will want not just to ask what they will provide in the services. Still, they might also need a little bit of information from you before they can create an account for you and even more information if they decide the type of currency best suited for your needs.

The Silver and Gold IRAs are very close in their potential to generate income. At this point, one is undoubtedly better than the other.
The way to decide which is right for you is to think about how each of them could affect your portfolio’s overall performance. They are both excellent investments, but they are not the same thing. In general, gold stocks should increase in value more than precious metals. The only exception would be if there were a financial crisis, but this doesn’t often happen, so you may want to go ahead and pick up this type of investment.